The official website of the Fairway Estates Subdivision in Dunedin, Florida.

“All other media sources are for social purposes, unofficial and not sanctioned by FECA”

Fairway Estates Women’s Club

The Fairway Estates Women’s Club hosts quarterly luncheon meetings and Monthly Happy Hours at The Dunedin Golf Club.  To RSVP for an event or for more information contact us at or Debra Tully.

Upcoming event dates can be found by contacting President Debra Tully. 

The club was founded in 1964 and membership is limited to current and former residents of Fairway Estates.     Guests are always welcome at our luncheons.

The Objectives of the FEWC are:

A.  To promote good fellowship among the women of Fairway Estates.

B.  To cooperate with the Fairway Estates Community Association and support the    Association’s efforts to maintain and improve our community.

C. Provide newcomers opportunities to meet their neighbors

D. Provide member discounts to area businesses

E. Organize social events and fun activities

The club raises money at each luncheon, through various means, to support local classrooms at the elementary level, and provide support at the holidays to a needy family. In addition, canned goods are collected at each luncheon for a local food pantry.

2023-2024 Officers & Committee Chairwomen

S.NO Name Position
1 Debra Tully President
2 Caryl Lynch Secretary
3 Kimberly Hitchcock Treasurer
4 Dee Principe Sunshine
5 Pat Daily Nametags
6 Open Communication Chair/Historian
7 Open Dunedin Cares Liaison

If you are interested in joining the Fairway Estates Women’s Club contact us at