The official website of the Fairway Estates Subdivision in Dunedin, Florida.

“All other media sources are for social purposes, unofficial and not sanctioned by FECA”

Get Involved

FECA is a thriving volunteer-run organization thanks to the time, energy and support of its members.  There are many ways that you can support your neighborhood and your Community Association:

Serve on the Board of Directors.  Directors meet monthly Sept-June, to manage the business of the Association. On average, they spend 1 – 3  hours a month on FECA business.  Director positions are for 3 year terms.   Our Bylaws stipulate that at least 4 Board Members/Directors are needed to function and fill the 4 Officer Positions and up to an additional 5 Director Seats may be filled for a total of 9 Directors.    For a list of our current Board Members and Officers: Meet Your Board Of Directors & Officers

Serve on a committee.  FECA has several committees that need to be Chaired and sometimes the Chairs also request the assistance of volunteers.   Per our Bylaws,  Committee Chairs are selected each year by the President.   Brief descriptions of our committees are listed below.   Committee Chairs may or may not also be Board Members.  Click for a list of current  Current Committee Chairs

  • Nominating Committee

The Nomination Committee is responsible for soliciting active FECA members who wish to be considered for open board positions. The final slate of nominees is included with the Annual Dues and Meeting Notice sent in late December each year for election by the FECA membership at the annual FECA meeting each February.

  • Lake Saundra Liaison Committee

The Lake Saundra Liaison Committee works with the contracted lake management company, lake shore residents, and the board to monitor the health and safety of Lake Saundra. The goal is to ensure measures are taken that keep the lake healthy and lengthen its lifespan to benefit the Fairway Estates community.

  • Newsletter Committee

The Newsletter Committee creates and distributes a periodic newsletter that contains topics relevant to our Fairway Estates community. Active FECA members are encouraged to engage with the editors to provide topics and articles.

  • City Liaison Committee

The City Liaison builds and maintains relationships and communications between FECA and the city of Dunedin, local civic organizations, and stakeholders to benefit the FECA members and Dunedin community.

  • New Resident Welcoming Committee

The New Resident Welcoming Committee acts as an introductory liaison between the community and our new homeowners. They welcome new homeowners with information about the Fairway Estates Community Association, as well as packets of useful information about our Dunedin community.

  • Special Events Committee

The Special Events Chair is responsible for organizing events throughout the year for the community including the Fall Festival, Holiday Party, Spring Fling and our Neighborhood Garage Sales.

  • Beautification Committee

The role of the Beautification Committee (BC) is to support the Board of Directors in the maintenance, beautification, and enhancement of the physical condition and appearance of the common areas of Fairway Estates. This includes planting, trimming, removal and replacing vegetation of any kind, weed prevention and removal, other maintenance as shall be necessary to assist Board of Directors or homeowners’ enjoyment of the neighborhood.

  • Dunedin Golf Club Liaison

The Dunedin Golf Club (DGC) liaison committee role obtains information via DGC board meetings and communications to update the Fairway Estates Community Association (FECA) board and neighborhood residents about the DGC golf course transition and restoration efforts.

Volunteer.  There is always a need for volunteers to serve as Block Captains, distribute flyers, help with mailings…

If you are interested in any of the above reach out to a Board Member or contact us at

Sponsorship/Donation:  Opportunities are available to give NAME recognition at our events to Fairway Estates residents/owners (individually or your business) who would like to make a financial contribution.     Sponsors/Donors are acknowledged on a Sponsor Board on the day of the event as well as being acknowledged in our Newsletters.

Sponsorship/Donation funds are used to enhance our events and allow the Special Events Committee a larger budget for food, entertainment and activities.

For more information on upcoming event opportunities contact us at