By Laws/Common Area Use & Management/Historic Deed Restrictions
FECA Bylaws FECA BYLAWS Effective Feb 5, 2018
FECA Bylaws FECA Bylaws – February 7, 1994
FECA Charter FECA Charter 3-24-1959
Fairway Estates common areas upkeep is in accordance with an approved management plan. FECA is not liable for injury or damage resulting in use of Lake Saundra Park, and all other common areas by individuals or groups. All individuals and groups using Lake Saundra Park or all other common areas are at your own risk.
FECA Common Area Management Plan (Jan 2019)
FECA Common Area Use Guidelines (Jan2019 updated Apr2023)
Declarations and Covenants for properties in Fairway Estates were recorded in the Pinellas County Courthouse. Between 1953 and 1964, as each new Addition was built, a unique set of declarations was recorded for each Addition. All sets of the Declarations stated that the FECA Directors shall have the authority to guide the development of the Subdivision as planned and restricted in the recorded Deed Restrictions.
The original phase and 1st Addition deed restrictions expired in 1985 per the clause contained within them. Deed Restrictions for the 2nd through 9th additions were intended to run for 25 years initially, renewing in 10 year intervals thereafter but in 1963 the Marketable Record Title Act was passed and had unintended consequences. For Fairway Estates, the Act extinguished our remaining Deed Restrictions after 30 years for most property owners. You may want to research this act for more details but be advised the information being provided here is a historical guide only and not intended to be a legal opinion or advice. Your board worked with legal council to research further revitalization of Deed Restrictions and in February 2017 opted to suspend any further efforts to pursue revitalization. Please direct all inquiries to our President,
As a result of the decision regarding the Deed Restrictions, the Board of Directors will be directing all owners with concerns that might have been previously covered by Deed Restrictions directly to the City of Dunedin Code of Ordinances for guidance and they can report any potential violations to the City of Dunedin Code Enforcement personnel. Current Contacts for this can be found under the Code Enforcement Division website.
To see what the Deed Restrictions for your Addition/Phase WERE, click on the links below. If you do not know what Addition or Phase you are in, you can go to the Pinellas County Property Appraisers Website
At the top, click on:
Search our database
By Address
Type in your address (House # Street Name should be sufficient)
You should see your property. Click on it and scroll down to LEGAL DESCRIPTION.
You should see Fairway Estates and then the addition (phase). If it ONLY says Fairway Estates (homes on Palm) then you are in the Original Phase.

To download a pdf copy of the Index of Recorded Declarations click here.